
I like to call this one "The Zamboni"

Monday, February 26, 2007

Fred Dracula

Party Scene
(People gathered in a living room some people dancing on the right side of the room
there is a couch on the left side.
A woman is kinda moving to the music slightly holding a wine glass
A man standing in the same room near her also moves slightly to the music
This looks like a very familiar scene and one gets the feeling that these two
people will inevitably begin a conversation).
Woman: Great party huh (she says to the man somewhat shouting over the music)
Man: Oh yeah really cool (smiling)... Cool music too.
Woman: Yeah! it is isn't it? I love this song.
Man: yeah it's great. ..So who do you know here at this party?
Woman: Thadd Hemmings(?) do you know him? I work with him at
Man: No I don't..Actually I'm a neighbor of Denise and Rogers'.
Woman: Who?
Man: Oh Denise and Roger Douglass(?) It's their house.
Woman: Oh right, right I did meet them. Hi I'm Donna. (extends hand to shake)
Man: Oh Hi..Fred, Fred Drakula. (steps forward and shakes her hand)
Woman: Nice to meet you Fred.
Man: Nice to meet you too Donna.
Woman: So Drakula? Ha Like the Vampire?
Man: Yeah (smiles) Just like that.. Only it's with a K instead of a C. A little embarrassing though
you know everybody always says that. "Like the Vampire?".
Woman: Oh with a K? Is it still pronounced the same way?
Man: Yep just like that. Even if it wasn't I'd probably just say it that way anyway.
It's a pretty good conversation starter at parties and stuff like that.
Woman: Yeah I guess so.
(a disco song comes on the stereo)
Woman: Hey I love this song. You wanna dance?
Man: Yeah Sure!
(They begin to dance)
Woman: Wow I love disco music
Man: Yeah me too. HEY IS THAT A TESTICLE OVER THERE?! (Fred Points to the wall right of Donna)
Woman: What? Where!?
(While Donna's head is turned Fred leans in fast and bites her on the neck quickly sucking all the blood from her body.
Before anyone notices what is happening, Fred hides her body behind the couch out of sight from the other party people.
Fred Continues to dance but now he has blood smeared all over the lower half of his face. A man and a woman walk into the living room.
The woman approaches Fred.)
Woman#2: Hi I'm Wilma and this is Thomas (Thomas waves)
Man: Hi Fred, Fred Drakula.

Magic Water Supply

My father-in-law was telling me about when he was a young boy in East Germany at the end of WWII. He mentioned that when the Americans gave up the occupation to the Russians that the Russians that were sent to his town were like some kind of backwoods barbarians who on one occasion thought that running water was magic and proceeded to saw a water faucet off of the wall in an attempt to be able to transport the endless supply.

Friday, February 16, 2007

I had this dream that I was observing the set up of Senior art students shows. They were way more radical students than the ones I'd seen at Alfred. Some of the students were covering themselves with fire retardant jelly and lighting themselves on fire. One of the students was making a comment that it's important that you don't light yourself on fire while you're alone or else no one will be there to see the expression on your face and that's what the whole purpose was. One of the art students who was on fire didn't realize that he was actually burning (yikes).
My class president from high school was also one of the art students who lived a life of extreme minimalism. I visited him in his dorm room which was surprisingly spacious but had these huge decorative tapestry-like thick curtains that covered two walls in the room. The only other thing in the room was a mat on the floor where he slept and a small box that held the only other clothes that he wore which were specifically for winter. Otherwise he only wore a pair of ratty shorts.
There was this other part of the dream that had to do with a lizard-man/art student whose project was a type of life-phonograph. It looked like a giant red and white record player with a giant record on the top and the bottom of the devise with lots of space in between. The record had red and white grooves in it. It gets complicated but the devise would capture a moment in time when someone stepped into the phonograph and play it over and over. It wasn't a holograph but actually repeated this moment in someone's life continually.
All of the students stayed up all night to complete their projects. It was one of those kinds of dreams that you have right before you wake up so it's all weird and vivid.

Hand Me Down

I bought a spacecraft from a small man yesterday morning. I spotted him as I was rolling my garbage can down to the end of the driveway. He said he was giving up the anal probing business cause it wasn't as lucrative as he was told that it would be. He told me he was going to try to get into the porno business. I wished him luck as I traded him my camcorder for the keys to his saucer.


I had a bottle of excitment yesterday. IT was so truly special awesome, I can't describe how so truly special awesome it was. It was actually the best truly special awesome ever. So sorry you all can't enjoy it.
I will be enjoying wheat from last year with lunch today, rye later this evening, I think. Possibly some other type of grain that I grow in my desk drawer at work. we'll see.

The Lonely Sad Bird

There once was a sad little bird with no friends. It was so sad and lonely that one day it decided to kill itself by flying into a window. That didn't work but it sure did hurt. So It tried again by burning itself to death in the fire of someones chimmney. However it was summer and no one was burning anything in the fireplace. So now the bird was Sad, Lonely, bruised and dirty and decided to throw itself in front of a moving car. So it got a good swooping start and timed it just ever so carefully and to the dirty, sad birds suprise, it worked that time and it was sad and lonely no more. But it was still very dirty from the fireplace. The End.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

German Translations

1. Würden Sie Kaufen mich Mittagessen heute bedenken? Mein Delorian hat einen undichten Ausflusskondensator und ist im Laden und meine Kinder haben kein Fleisch, auf zu kauen. =

English Translation: Would you mind buying me lunch today? My Delorian has a leaky flux capacitor and is in the shop and my children have no meat to chew on.

2. Ich fahre der mächtigste Zug im Universum. =

English Translation: I ride the most powerful train in the universe.

3. Ich habe eine äußerst gesunde Maschine gebaut, die mich erlaubt, Bier ständig zu trinken. Jetzt kann ich Bier in meinem Schlaf trinken.

English Translation: I have built an extremely healthy machine that allows me to drink beer constantly. Now I can drink beer in my sleep.

4. Ist das ein cuckooclock unter Ihrem Hemd oder ist Sie schwanger? =

English Translation: Is that a cuckooclock under your shirt or are you pregnant?

5. Jeder im Königreich sagt, dass mein weinersnitzel glatt ist, wie ein großer mystischer Fisch. =

English Translation: Everyone in the kingdom says my weinersnitzel is slippery, like a great mystical fish.

6. Ich habe eine Verabredung mit einem Schönheitschirurgen gemacht, meinen lederhosen zu haben, der permanent zu meiner Haut eingepflanzt wird. =

English Translation: I made an appointment with a plastic surgeon to have my lederhosen permanently grafted to my skin.

7. In Zukunft werden jede Mannfrau und Kind in Deutschland ein Bier trinkend bearbeitet haben. =

English Translation: In the future every man woman and child in Germany will have a beer drinking machine.

Common Spanish phrases translated

mi cara se siente como una máscara de caucho =
my face feels like a rubber mask

pare molestar con ese camello y me ayuda con este cadaver=
stop bothering with that camel and help me with this dead body

Mi taco prueba como un animal que se pudre=
My taco tastes like a rotting animal

¿Cuánto para el pollo?=
how much for the chicken?

¿Por qué su cara se cubre todo en la salsa de tomate?=
Why is your face all covered in ketchup?

Yo ahora querría hacer una impresión de un famoso jefe de cocina alemán=
I would now like to do an impression of a famous german chef

Mi cartera podría tener posiblemente una bomba del pudín adentro.=
My briefcase could possibly have a pudding bomb inside.

4 = A Horrible Movie and my review of it.

I watched an absolutely awful movie the other day. It's a Russian movie called 4. The previews made it look really interesting. It was supposed to be about cloning in Russia. As it turns out there were only some subtle cloning suggestions. The main character is a young, Russian prostitute in her late 20's who had heard that one of her 3 clone sisters had died so she travels on train and foot to make it to her sisters funeral. At the funeral there are about 15 old toothless Russian women who are crying and singing. The majority of the movie is footage of these nasty old Russian women, sitting around a table drinking home made vodka and cutting and gnawing on a pig and then singing, yelling, pulling their flabby boobs out, slapping them and then sleeping on oily stinky mattresses in their filthy Russian house. Then they complain that the girl who died is the only one who has the secret to making the realistic masks that they use for the nearly life-sized creepy dolls that the Russian women sew together in order to make money. At one point you think that there is going to be something really important that happens but the creators must have decided to leave that part out. Typically I'd like such a strange movie but this was actually frustrating and exhausting to watch. Just wanted to give you a heads up incase you cross it's path.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Corn and it's really real history

Corn is a strange invention. The Native Americans called it Maize, I believe it was originally mutated by the Egyptians who were known to send their people to South America to obtain cocaine (which the Egyptians pronounced Copán) for their addicted pharaohs and so brought back corn and coke which is where the word cornucopia comes from. Moses lead his people through the desert and was said to have instructed his tribe to eat the Manna (a kind of tortilla which tastes good with chicken and cheese) in order to survive. The reason the trip through the desert took 40 years is because they had to wait for enough corn to grow in order to turn it into Manna and then feed everybody with it. Also it's possible that they accidentally confused what Moses was pointing at and instead ate psychedelic mushrooms. There were most likely many weddings and embarrassingly strange parlor games in that amount of time. Manna was the Egyptian term for maize which is why Jewish people can't eat mayonnaise with their meat because it reminds them of having to wait for corn to grow. Also the ten commandments said that thou shalt not kill. It originally meant that we shouldn't kill anything. This also would mean that we're all supposed to be vegetarians which is another good reason not to eat mayonnaise with meat. So the bottom line is that we should probably just be eating mayonnaise and corn cause God said so.

The Doctor Tube

There was a tube with doctors in it. They were experimenting on each other. They enjoyed giving each other lobotomies. It was pleasurable. It was difficult giving someone a lobotomy when the person giving it already had one. Governing ones self was also difficult and thus constituted multiple self urinations. The lobotomized leading the lobotomized.
Outside sources began to scrutinize. The whole project was shut down due to a lack of recorded data and a loss of direction. On a lighter note, the doctors all changed their careers and happily became radio disc jockeys, politicians, elementary school teachers, pop artists and zoo keepers. Everybody wins.

My Favorite video in the whole world