
I like to call this one "The Zamboni"

Monday, February 26, 2007

Fred Dracula

Party Scene
(People gathered in a living room some people dancing on the right side of the room
there is a couch on the left side.
A woman is kinda moving to the music slightly holding a wine glass
A man standing in the same room near her also moves slightly to the music
This looks like a very familiar scene and one gets the feeling that these two
people will inevitably begin a conversation).
Woman: Great party huh (she says to the man somewhat shouting over the music)
Man: Oh yeah really cool (smiling)... Cool music too.
Woman: Yeah! it is isn't it? I love this song.
Man: yeah it's great. ..So who do you know here at this party?
Woman: Thadd Hemmings(?) do you know him? I work with him at
Man: No I don't..Actually I'm a neighbor of Denise and Rogers'.
Woman: Who?
Man: Oh Denise and Roger Douglass(?) It's their house.
Woman: Oh right, right I did meet them. Hi I'm Donna. (extends hand to shake)
Man: Oh Hi..Fred, Fred Drakula. (steps forward and shakes her hand)
Woman: Nice to meet you Fred.
Man: Nice to meet you too Donna.
Woman: So Drakula? Ha Like the Vampire?
Man: Yeah (smiles) Just like that.. Only it's with a K instead of a C. A little embarrassing though
you know everybody always says that. "Like the Vampire?".
Woman: Oh with a K? Is it still pronounced the same way?
Man: Yep just like that. Even if it wasn't I'd probably just say it that way anyway.
It's a pretty good conversation starter at parties and stuff like that.
Woman: Yeah I guess so.
(a disco song comes on the stereo)
Woman: Hey I love this song. You wanna dance?
Man: Yeah Sure!
(They begin to dance)
Woman: Wow I love disco music
Man: Yeah me too. HEY IS THAT A TESTICLE OVER THERE?! (Fred Points to the wall right of Donna)
Woman: What? Where!?
(While Donna's head is turned Fred leans in fast and bites her on the neck quickly sucking all the blood from her body.
Before anyone notices what is happening, Fred hides her body behind the couch out of sight from the other party people.
Fred Continues to dance but now he has blood smeared all over the lower half of his face. A man and a woman walk into the living room.
The woman approaches Fred.)
Woman#2: Hi I'm Wilma and this is Thomas (Thomas waves)
Man: Hi Fred, Fred Drakula.

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